MINOR ARCANA 小阿爾克那-Wands
小奧秘卡的四套牌組分別代表了日常生活和臨時狀況的各個方面。 一般來說,聖杯是關於情感的,錢幣是關於物質的關注的,權杖是關於行動的,寶劍是關於衝突的。 這些卡的影響可能會相對較快地通過。
The four suits of the Minor Arcana cards represent various aspects of day-to-day life and temporary situations. Generally speaking, Cups are about emotions, Discs about material concerns, Wands about actions, and Swords about conflicts. The in- fluence of these cards may pass relatively quickly.

一種新的激情吸引了您。 這是一個充滿創造潛力的時代。 抓住時機,並利用您現在可用的熾熱能量。
A new passion has captured you. This is a time of great creative potential. Seize the moment and take advantage of the fiery energy available to you now Key concepts: Beginnings, emerging passion, creativity

幻覺或著魔可能使您無法發揮成功的潛力。 不要被有魅力的人過度影響您制定的計劃。
Illusion or enchantment may be keeping you from fulfilling your potential for success. Do not be overly influenced by attractive people and their plans for you. Key concepts: Loss of will, coercion, pressure from others

現在評估您的損失和收穫,並在必要時更改目標以與新信息保持一致。 對那些可能挫敗您的人保持警惕。
Assess your losses and your gains now, and if necessary change your goals to align with new information. Be on the alert for those who could thwart you. Key concepts: A pause in the endeavor, evaluating the situation

在當前情況下快速移動。 您的工作正在走向成功,但您還沒有到那兒。 必須贏得休息和慶祝的時間。
Move quickly through your present circumstanc- es. Your work is moving toward success, but you are not there yet. The time of rest and celebration must be earned. Key concepts: Effort toward completion, the goal in sight

在遇到障礙時保持鎮定。 它們不會以任何嚴重的方式威脅您。 找到方法來安撫敵人。
Remain calm in the face of perceived obstacles. They do not threaten you in any serious way. Find ways to placate your possible foes, Key concepts: Harmless challenge, a test of courage, ingenuity

您現在處於世界之巔。 您的成就是有保障的,您的情緒很高昂,您的盟友是支持和忠誠的。 勝利是你的!
You are on top of the world now. Your achievements are secure, your spirits are high, and your allies are supportive and loyal. Victory is yours! Key concepts: Justifiable pride, recognition from others, success

可能需要糾正一些錯誤,並設置正確的情況。 請注意懲罰的量刑情節是否妥當。 不要懷恨在心。
Some mistakes may need to be atoned for and situations set right. Take care that the punishment fits the crime. Don’t hold a grudge. Key concepts: Apology, atonement, negotiating terms of agreement

來自許多方面的光明和希望的信息正傳給您。 注意或者你可能會錯過它們。 準備採取迅速行動。
Messages of light and hope are coming to you from many sources. Pay attention or you may miss them. Be prepared to take swift action. Key concepts: Communication, flash of understanding, quick responses

在適當的時候,您隨時可掌控您所需的力量。 您可以暫時放鬆一下,並相信自己會採取行動。 繼續累積自己的力量。
All the power you need will be at your disposal when the time is right. You can relax for the moment and trust that you’ll know when to act. Continue to build up your strength. Key concepts: Gathering resources, biding your time, self-discipline

當前你所面對的是壓倒性的壓迫。 如果您堅持下去,您只會更加困惑和精疲力竭。 擱置一邊,讓事情安定下來。
The energy in the situation is oppressive and overwhelming. You will only be more confused and exhausted if you persist. Step aside and let things settle down. Key concepts: Difficulties, too many tasks, lack of help

Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot
- 作者: Weatherstone, Lunaea/ Ceccoli, Nicoletta (ILT)
- 原文出版社:Llewellyn Publications
- 出版日期:2016/09/08
- 語言:英文
- 定價:698元

Ceccoli Oracle
- 作者: Weatherstone, Lunaea/ Ceccoli, Nicoletta (ILT)
- 原文出版社:Llewellyn Publications
- 出版日期:2016/09/08
- 語言:英文
- 定價:698元