The Wild Unknown Tarot-荒野未知塔羅牌牌義總覽


Krans不僅是新塔羅牌運動的先驅,而且是為二十一世紀重新定義它的人。 對於大量當代探索者來說,Wild Unknown Tarot不僅僅是一副塔羅牌;

它已成為世界各地人們的共鳴指南,激勵他們分享無數關於他們在塔羅牌上的閱讀、紋身和藝術印刷品的圖像。 荒野未知塔羅牌中的七十八張牌中的每一張都是探索自然世界和動物王國奧秘的藝術品。 以她樸素、簡約的風格手繪,引人注目的圖像引人深思。


大阿爾克那 Major Arcana

The FoolStrength
The MagicianThe Hanged Man
The High PriestessDeath
The EmpressTemperance
The EmperorThe Devil
The HierophantThe Tower
The LoversThe Star
The ChariotThe Moon
JusticeThe Sun
The HermitJudgement
Wheel of FortuneThe World

小阿爾克那 Minor Arcana

權杖 Wands寶劍 Swords
Ace of WandsAce of Swords
Two of WandsTwo of Swords
Three of WandsThree of Swords
Four of WandsFour of Swords
Five of WandsFive of Swords
Six of WandsSix of Swords
Seven of WandsSeven of Swords
Eight of WandsEight of Swords
Nine of WandsNine of Swords
Ten of WandsTen of Swords
Daughter of WandsDaughter of Swords
Son of WandsSon of Swords
Mother of WandsMother of Swords
Father of WandsFather of Swords
聖杯 Cups錢幣 Pentacles
Ace of CupsAce of Pentacles
Two of CupsTwo of Pentacles
Three of CupsThree of Pentacles
Four of CupsFour of Pentacles
Five of CupsFive of Pentacles
Six of CupsSix of Pentacles
Seven of CupsSeven of Pentacles
Eight of CupsEight of Pentacles
Nine of CupsNine of Pentacles
Ten of CupsTen of Pentacles
Daughter of CupsDaughter of Pentacles
Son of CupsSon of Pentacles
Mother of CupsMother of Pentacles
Father of CupsFather of Pentacles

The Wild Unknown Tarot-荒野未知塔羅牌牌義總覽

The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck and Guidebook

新塔羅牌運動無可爭議的明星金·克蘭斯 (Kim Krans) 推出了她的熱門塔羅牌和指南的盒裝套裝—裝在一個設計精美的紀念品包裝中,非常適合作為任何場合的禮物。

對於眾多粉絲來說,The Wild Unknown不僅僅是一副塔羅牌;這是一種生活方式。手繪且非常個性化,構成一副牌的 78 張卡片中的每一張本身都是一件藝術品,探索自然世界和動物王國的奧秘,簡潔、簡約但影響深遠的線條畫,邀請沉思和深入尋求。

購買推薦: 野生未知塔羅牌


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