17 Story Time 故事時間 – ceccoli oracle

NO.17 Story Time 故事時間 - ceccoli oracle
NO.17 Story Time 故事時間

NO.17 Story Time 故事時間 – ceccoli oracle

現在就坐下來,讓我們繼續閱讀這個故事。 童話和寓言對您都有特殊的意義。 因此,您必須認真聆聽。 不要坐立不安、不要考慮做其他事情。 只要關注您正在閱讀的故事。 到目前為止,您學到了什麼? 您希望接下來會發生什麼?

Dark(挑戰和警告): 誰是壞人?

Settle down now, and let’s continue reading the story. It has a special significance just for you, all în the language of fairy tales and fables. So you must be very quiet and listen well. Don’t fidget. Don’t think about all the other things you have to do. Just give your attention to the story that’s being read to you in this moment. What have you learned so far? What do you hope will happen next?

Light:Who is the hero of your story?
Dark:Who is the villain?

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Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot

Ceccoli Oracle

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