Knight of Water-Angel Tarot

Knight of Water-Angel Tarot

Knight of Water-Angel Tarot

Knight of Water-Angel Tarot




Situations: Deep emotions from situations or relationships impact your life. Falling in love or a wedding proposal is possible. You (or someone close to you) need to balance your emotions, lest you become overwhelmed. You may receive invitations to parties or other social opportunities.

People: An extremely emotional person who’s driven by a love of romance, art, and beauty. Someone who is charming, contemplative, and idealistic. Sensitive. Romantic. Imaginative. Enthusiastic. Refined. Moody.

Additional meanings of this card: Someone you can talk to. A dreamer. A flirt. Past-life connections. Melodrama.

Knight of Water-Angel Tarot

推薦購買 : Angel Tarot
