Two of Earth-Angel Tarot

Two of Earth-Angel Tarot

Two of Earth-Angel Tarot

Two of Earth-Angel Tarot


你做得太多了 您可能會遇到財務不穩定的情況,或者您的手上有太多項目。您感到壓力,但仍設法維持工作和家庭的現狀。如果您正在考慮改變職業,請保留當前的工作並慢慢過渡到新工作。


You’re doing too much. You may experience financial instability, or have too many projects on your plate. You’re feeling stress, yet you’re managing to maintain the status quo at work and home. If you’re considering a career change, keep your current job and slowly transition to the new one.
The situation you’re inquiring about requires a decision from you. Stay open to creative ideas or new perspectives. If you’re struggling to make a choice, try a more playful approach. If you lighten up, you may easily find the answer.
Additional meanings of this card: Dealing with change. Working multiple jobs. The need to balance your budget. The ability to adapt.

Two of Earth-Angel Tarot

推薦購買 : Angel Tarot
