The World-Angel Tarot

21 The World-Angel Tarot

The World-Angel Tarot

The World-Angel Tarot

The World的含義:一件工作將完成!喜悅、知足與感激;啓蒙之路;完美。進入下一個階段。獲得獎項。新房子或新工作。完全清晰。宇宙意識。對您的才能的認可。自由。

大天使:麥可 MICHAEL




The angels sent you this card because you’ve happily completed something of great importance. They’re congratulating you on a job well done. You’re now ready to move on to something new. Enjoy your feelings of wholeness and completion, and give yourself a pat on the back for your amazing accomplishments!

You’ve grown spiritually and have evolved to a whole new level in your understanding of the Universe. You’ve experienced significant enlightenment and have expanded your consciousness of how to attain joy and contentment. You feel a great sense of gratitude.

Additional meanings of this card: Perfection. A move to the next level. Receiving an award. A new house or job. Complete clarity. Cosmic awareness. Recognition for the use of your talents. Freedom.

Archangel Michael oversees your Divine life purpose, and he knows what roles your soul has been born to fulfill. Call upon Michael for guidance as to your next steps, as well as to give you the courage, strength, and confidence to take them.

推薦購買 : Angel Tarot
