最後更新時間: 2024-01-03 by 家思宇

The Wheel-Angel Tarot
The Wheel的含義:正面改變的時刻;突然而至的進展;好運站在你這邊!好運氣;愉快的事件;平衡業力。奇蹟。命運的捉弄。命定。
大天使:麥可 MICHAEL
The angels sent you this card because of positive changes occurring in your life. Expect and enjoy beneficial new opportunities as they present themselves. This is an optimal time to make big and small changes. Take the leap with the knowledge that everything will work well for you.
Old blocks are lifting, and everything now moves forward quickly. If recent events shook your faith, you’ll now see how they were actually positive for you. Rapid advancement is likely now.
Additional meanings of this card: Good luck. A happy accident. Balanced karma. A miracle. A twist of fate. Destiny.
Archangel Michael is the supreme protecting angel who walks beside you through changes, giving you courage, strength, and self-confidence. Call upon Michael whenever you’d like specific guidance about your next step, especially if it’s conn

推薦購買 : Angel Tarot