最後更新時間: 2024-01-03 by 家思宇

The High Priestess-Angel Tarot
大天使:漢尼爾 HANIEL
You drew this card because the answers you seek lie in your feelings and emotions. Trust in the accuracy of your intuition and the power of your natural psychic abilities! Also, pay attention to your dreams and any intuitive messages you receive, as they’re accurately guiding you.
However, there’s no need to race into action right now. Instead, take time to gain more insight, since things may not be as they appear on the surface. Withdraw from the noise of daily life and ask for guidance from your angels and guides. Everything you need to know will be revealed to you in time; just have patience.
Additional meanings of this card: Silence is golden. Study spiritual topics. Keep your dreams and desires to yourself. Learn from emotional situations.
Archangel Haniel is the goddess-like angel of grace and feminine spirituality (such as intuition and clairvoyance). Like a true high priestess, Haniel will act as your spiritual teacher and advisor to aid you in discerning which feelings and ideas to follow as trustworthy guidance. Call upon Haniel to increase your clarity in connecting with the angels.

推薦購買 : Angel Tarot