最後更新時間: 2024-01-03 by 家思宇

Release-Angel Tarot
大天使:愛瑟瑞爾 AZRAEL
This card signifies that it’s time to move on because this project or phase of your life is now complete. There’s no benefit in remaining in this situation. Instead, shake off the old and welcome the new! You may experience a sense of relief at this ending, or there may be some sadness. Either way, it’s time to leave that which you’ve outgrown.
Take your time in adjusting to this change in your life. It’s not necessary to rush ahead. Be kind to yourself during this period of transition, and seek the support of friends and family.
Additional meanings of this card: Inevitable positive changes. Facing your fears. Relationship transitions. Spiritual evolution.
Archangel Azrael heals your heart when changes and losses bring about grieving. Call upon Azrael to help you move forward fearlessly and let go of the past.

推薦購買 : Angel Tarot