Queen of Air-Angel Tarot

Queen of Air-Angel Tarot

Queen of Air-Angel Tarot

Queen of Air-Angel Tarot




Situations: Your clear decision-making abilities are needed right now. See through any hidden agendas. It’s time to remove anything or anyone from your life whose presence no longer serves your greatest good. Still, try to see the humor in this situation.
People: Someone with incredible insight and perceptiveness with regard to situations and people. A person with a marvelous wit, a keen mind, and a forthright personality who doesn’t take life too seriously. A perfectionist, but not judgmental. An unmarried person. Independent. Experienced. Candid. Realistic.
Additional meanings of this card: The need to clear out the clutter. Wisdom forged by real-life experiences. Stalled romance. Divorced individuals.

Queen of Air-Angel Tarot

推薦購買 : Angel Tarot
