Five of Earth-Angel Tarot

Five of Earth-Angel Tarot

Five of Earth-Angel Tarot

Five of Earth-Angel Tarot




You’re too focused upon what you don’t have. A mentality of lack is creating a “lack” reality, through the Law of Attraction. Help is close by, but your pessimism is preventing you from recognizing it. It’s time to reassess your thoughts, the words you use, and your beliefs about money. Stop complaining and accept any assistance that’s offered.
Fortunately, matters are going to improve, and your unpleasant feelings are only temporary. In the meantime, it’s important that you care for your physical and emotional health.
Additional meanings of this card: Uncertain self-employment. Financial downturns. Unsuccessful legal battles.

Five of Earth-Angel Tarot

推薦購買 : Angel Tarot
