21 Consanguinity – ceccoli oracle

21 Consanguinity 親密關係 - ceccoli oracle

21 Consanguinity 親密關係 – ceccoli oracle

即使沒有血緣關係,有些人都像家人一樣。 朋友比親戚更親密,因為你們被共同的利益和價值觀所吸引。 你生活中的那些人是誰? 您是否給他們足夠的時間和注意力? 伸向你的靈魂姐妹或兄弟。告訴他們內心深處的希望和恐懼。您被自己困住太久了。你並不孤單。


Some people feel like family whether they share our blood or not. Friends can be even closer than kin, because you are drawn together by common interests and values. Who are those people in your life? Are you giving them enough time and attention? Reach out to your soul sister or brother. Trust them with your innermost hopes and fears. You’ve been keeping things bottled up inside you for too long. You are not alone.

Light:Make close affinity alliances in every realm of your life.
Dark:Don’t let closeness turn into co-dependence.

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Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot

Ceccoli Oracle

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