19 Management – ceccoli oracle

19 Management 管理 - ceccoli oracle

19 Management 管理 – ceccoli oracle

做得好! 在你豐富的經驗的控制下,一切都運行順利。 您處於一切之上,你會注意到任何事情。 您可以為自己的成就和領導才能感到自豪。 您還可以稍稍放鬆一下,並確保其他所有人都有機會學習和成長。 真正好的管理,處理危機是必不可少的。 您可能會覺得自己是唯一可以使事情保持在標準水平的人。 這種態度導致你精疲力盡,最嚴重導致不良後果。

Dark(挑戰和警告)別當控制狂。 你要休息一下。

Good job! Everything is running smoothly under your expert supervision. You are on top of things, and nothing escapes you. You can feel proud of your achievements and your leadership skills. You can also ease back a bit and make sure everyone else is getting the chance to learn and grow. The danger of really good management is indispensability. You may feel that you are the only one who can keep things up to your standards. This attitude leads to burnout at least and martyrdom at worst.

Light:You set a good example and inspire others to excellence.
Dark:Don’t be a control freak. You need a rest.

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Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot

Ceccoli Oracle

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