
19.塔 Tower-夢想之路雷諾曼卡

19.塔 Tower- 6♠️


Tower塔是威權和官僚權力的大本營。 它可以提供保護和結構,例如由公司、政府和機構提供。 這張牌可能代表一個人(或團體)有很高的標準和遠大的志向。它可能表示社會攀登者、達到更高地位的人,或已達到等級最高層的領導者。

Tower這張牌表明盲目向上爬樓梯可能會導致死胡同。 此外,一旦到達頂峰,在頂部可能會很孤獨。 塔牌可能意味著隔離或分離、正式職位,也可能表示邊界的建立。


一個人的頭腦不會告訴他超過七個守望者坐在塔里。- 魯德亞德·吉卜林

“A man’s mind is wont to tell him more than seven watchmen sitting in a tower.” – Rudyard Kipling (Seven Watchmen – Dedication to The Years Between)

Seven Watchmen

SEVEN Watchmen sitting in a tower,

Watching what had come upon mankind,

Showed the Man the Glory and the Power,

And bade him shape the Kingdom to his mind,

‘All things on Earth your will shall win you.’

(’Twas so their counsel ran)‘

But the Kingdom—the Kingdom is within you,’

Said the Man’s own mind to the man.

For time, and some time—

As it was in the bitter years before,

So it shall be in the over—sweetened hour—

That a man’s mind is wont to tell him more

Than Seven Watchmen sitting in a tower.


Dreaming Way Lenormand 夢想之路雷諾曼卡介紹

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