Three of Air-Angel Tarot

文章最後更新於 2024 年 1 月 7 日

Three of Air-Angel Tarot

Three of Air-Angel Tarot



Something has occurred that makes you sad. This may be a current situation, or something from your past that has lingered and continues to distress you. Trust that the sadness will pass and you’ll eventually see this situation’s purpose in your life. Take time to heal. Release painful memories and move bravely forward.
Forgiveness is a powerful healer. Don’t hold on to the energy of past disappointments or conflict. Remember to forgive yourself for choices you might wish you’d made differently. You did the best you could at the time, and allow yourself to move on.
Additional meanings of this card: Misunderstandings. Loneliness. Relationship concerns. Painful revelations.

Three of Air-Angel Tarot

推薦購買 : Angel Tarot

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