最後更新時間: 2024-01-03 by 家思宇

Justice-Angel Tarot
大天使:拉貴爾 RAGUEL
This card comes to you because you’re trying to make a decision. The angels guide you to wise and thoroughly considered decisions, with fairness extended toward everyone involved (including yourself). If you can’t be objective in this matter, seek out someone who can act as an arbitrator.
This card also means that a decision will be made in your favor. If you’re currently in a legal dispute, it will turn out positively for you. Furthermore, it’s important to thoroughly review legal documents or contracts before signing them.
Additional meanings of this card: Doing what’s right. Taking responsibility for your actions. Resisting injustice. Standing up for your beliefs. Issuing or accepting an apology.
Raguel is the archangel who creates harmony within relationships, and who can help you make decisions that involve other people. Call upon Raguel to bring about peace between you and others.

推薦購買 : Angel Tarot